Friday, July 31, 2009

A new home!

Blessings to each of you!

As I write today, I have the pleasure of sitting in one of the bunk rooms at Refugio Solté as Eden naps. I look out one window and I can see the rain forest and I look out the other windows past the cross and see the Pacific Ocean. I am reminded of how great our Creator is and if this is more beautiful than I can really describe, how much better did God intend it to be and will it be when he establishes his kingdom here on earth again.

God has kept the story of the Garden of Eden before the fall on my mind the past several days. He has reminded me of the physical beauty of the place, but mostly of the intimate communion he had with Adam and Eve. He has reminded me that that is the reason he created us – to have a relationship with him and that all we go through here is to bring us into that relationship. One of the greatest displays of his glory is through the mercy he freely gives us to receive the mercy he poured out for us through his death on the cross and resurrection. I desire to experience that intimacy with him but I also know I fall way short on my end of things. I am thankful he is always right there beside me when I realize I have grown distant and turn back to him. He has stayed right behind me during the times I choose to lead and not follow. And he always welcomes me back with open arms when my heart comes home.

The last couple of weeks have brought some bumps. We are holding on to the fact that God has a plan and is working all of this toward our good. Please continue to pray for the sale of our house in Rosenberg. The contract we had on it fell through due to a really low appraisal. As that happened God gave us the word surrender. It’s one of those things that you think you are there but then you realize there is more you have to let go of. We thought we had a great plan worked out to sell the house and pay off our debt, but are now realizing that God has another plan. We don’t know how this one looks, but we are trusting Him to reveal it to us one step at a time just as he has with everything else!

Though there have been a couple of issues here with our current housing situation, God provided a home we will be renting long term. It is a great little house - 2 full bedrooms and bathrooms, a great size kitchen, a screened dining and living area, and a screen porch in the back. The porch in the back is large enough for half to serve as our utility room and storage area and the other half to work as a guest room. I can easily hang up curtains to make it a nice little room for guests. We will be moving into it on Tuesday and are really looking forward to being there. As excited as I am about the house the piece of property that it is on is just amazing – about 2 acres of land which has been cultivated and gardened by a sweet lady who is 82 years young. There is a coconut grove, 2 huge guanacasta trees, an herb garden, hibiscus, avocado trees, lemon trees, a bamboo planting, and so much more. Eden cannot wait to get to play in her new yard. I think she is actually more excited about moving than we are. And there is no reason why we should know about this house. God literally put me in the right place at the right time.

I will be traveling back to the states the end of this next week to finish packing up the house in Rosenberg and shipping our container. We are looking forward to having some ore of our things here, but especially our Bronco. The Jimmy is a great little car and it has been wonderful, but we look forward to having some more room and to not be paying rent on a vehicle anymore. The Bronco has been aptly named the “Jungle Buggy” and it will fit right in down here. I ask that you pray for Bart and Eden as they stay here. We are blessed to have Kloé, a young lady from our church here with them until August 7. I should be back not too many days after she leaves. I know Eden will be in expert hands with her and her daddy, it’s just hard knowing I will be so far away.

Pray for safe travel for my mom and I next week as we return. Pray the Lord will direct my steps in my time in the states and that I can accomplish all that needs to be done in my short time there. Pray for my mom as she returns life as normal – whatever that is, right? Pray that her time here will have been restful and that she can tackle what God has in the days ahead for her with gusto and assurance that her Heavenly Father has a plan for her too!

Bart is continuing to make visible and tangible progress at Refugio Solté. There is a new sidewalk to the 2nd pastor’s house, hot water in the 2nd pastor’s house, more progress on the landscaping, and the gate has walls and the arch on top is going up as I write. He is also making plans for stairs to the 4th floor in the main building, for the pool and several other things. Please pray with us that God will continue to provide for the growth of Refugio Solté and that all involved with the planning will be faithful to what God desires to happen here.

As we wrap up the summer we will begin planning for outreach in the community. I continue to pray that if this is where God would have me invest my time, that it would be clear and a desire that I cannot deny. We have mentioned the possibility of an afterschool program for the kids being a real possibility. I would love for you to join me in those prayers. Many details would need to be worked out, but I think it would be a great way to get this kind of thing off the ground. I am praying that if this is God’s desire that he would provide all we need to get it off the ground.

Thank you for letting me share some more of our life with you. Thank you for “standing in the gap” for us. Thank you for continually taking us before the Lord. We ask God to pour out special blessings on your life for all you have done for us. We love you each and look forward to each time we get to share with you. Take care and we will send more soon!

We love you each with the love of Christ!

PS: As always, I did not get this off as soon as I wrote it. We are now moved into our house which has been wonderful for the 2 days I got to enjoy it. We have a little more room than we had, Eden has her own space and a huge yard to run and play in. God also brought a cat to us on Wednesday night. She seems to be there for good. We have named her Luna and Eden (and Bart and I) has fallen in love with her. Luna has no aptitude for catching bugs, but she’s a cuddler!

I am on my way to Houston in about a 1 and a half. I am returning to go ahead and get out belongings and vehicle shipped and hopefully get something worked out with the house. I want to say a special thanks to our community group once again who has risen above and beyond to help us get things done around the house. They painted and have been keeping the yard up. We feel SO blessed to truly know what church family means! What an amazing thing to experience! We love you guys and thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

House in Rosenberg

Hello All!

Bart and I want to ask for your continued prayer about the sell of our house. The contract we had fell through due to an incredibly low appraisal. Our realtor has tried to get something worked out and it is just pretty much dead. We are a little discouraged, but know God has a plan. The word God gave us this week in all of this was surrender. We are ready to sell the house and just come out not owning anything - cover the mortgage, the commissions and any closing costs. That's it. We had hoped to make some on it to pay off our other debt, but God has showed us this week he has another plan for that. So if you know someone that wants a great deal on a great house, let them know about ours! ;)

As far as praises, we had a great week with things here. We found a house to rent that is in our budget and beyond our expectations as far as the property it is on. I will share pics as soon as I can. Bart is continuing to make progress on the site with the completion of another sidewalk and more work on the gate. He learned to weld this week and is enjoying using his new skill.

Thank you again for all of your prayers and encouragement. We know God will use all of this toward our good and I know I am just having to hold on to that right now. We love you each and thank God for bringing you into our lives!

Blessins in Christ!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Weeks 2 and 3

Hola Amigos!

What a couple of weeks. I know it has been a couple of weeks and I am sorry. There are times here when life seems to move at turtle speed and I have all the time in the world. There are other times that I feel like I am busier than I have ever been. I know as we continue to settle in a routine will develop and I will be more consistent at everything including our blog. Sorry there are no pics again...they are not with me as I have time to post!

What a blessing it was to have the Grand Parkway team here this weekend. It was pure joy to have familiar faces around us. They helped accomplish several things at the center and took the Kingdom to people that have never heard it! They also provided me with some much needed towels and cooking supplies from the house in Rosenberg. I am a happy lady in the kitchen now. You that use Pampered Chef tools know what I am talking about! How did we ever function without them? It sure must not have been very fun! I smile now each time I use my garlic press or use a really good knife to chop some veggies because I am reminded of the wonderful people who brought them to me!

We have also had some friends from the team spend some extra time with us at our home. It was such a blessing to have them there and be able to share life with them. I know we are actively praying to find a home that will allow us to continue to do this and allow our guests some privacy. On that note, we have looked at a few houses. We have found either end of the spectrum – not very well built and not enough room or way more than we can afford! Please pray with us that the Lord will lead us to just the right house for just the right amount of money. I am also asking that if less is what we are supposed to be in, that He will help me get beyond any of my personal hang ups to living in and with much less that we had planned. I want to be open to what He has for us and I don’t want to get in the way of that.

My days continue to be filled with running errands and helping with various things with ATC. I had a rough spot this week, but it was the first time I allowed myself to begin processing all the change. God saw me through it and all is well and even more clear! I would appreciate prayer for time to process all of this and continued peace that we are exactly where we are supposed to be. Bart and the team from GPBC began a gate at the entrance to Refugio Solté. They also did some more landscaping and laid out the path for the sidewalk to the 2nd pastors’ house. He has a long list of things to do and continues to work on them as he is able. The Generation of Promise girls come tomorrow and he is looking forward to being able to work with them. Eden is having a BLAST. She continues to explore and learn each day. We are up with the sun and down not long after. She has chickens up the road she has adopted as her own and every puppy we see is hers. She has also had a horse in our front yard and met a little girl that lives next to us yesterday. I am just in awe to watch her as she takes in her new world. Each moth is “so beautiful” and each new person is “her friend.”

As we were in church a couple of Sundays ago, one of the pastor’s daughters came and asked Eden if she wanted to come to the back for a children’s time. She did and I went with her to help her feel a little more at ease. I was amazed to see that it was being led by the pastor’s youngest daughter. She had gathered a book, some colors – which they had very few of, some coloring pages, a few pieces of construction paper, an almost empty bottle of glitter glue, and a goody bag for each kid – left by another church visiting from the states I am sure. She read the book and then asked the kids to draw a picture of the story. Keep in mind that she may be 10 years old. Eden joined in and enjoyed it, but quickly realized that this wasn’t her normal Sunday school thing – all the glue she needs, unlimited color choices, all the paint she wants, etc. As per a normal 2 year old – she began to protest. It was her first encounter of not having something she was used to having and learning that this is all there was. There wasn’t a closet in a back room filled with supplies to allow her to craft to her heart’s content. I began to explain all of this to her and little by little she began to understand. Bart and I also talked with her about it several times over the next few days. Her world grew. She realized that there are kids out there that don’t have all they want at the drop of a hat. She realized that what she has been given is a blessing and not a right. Now, will this stick with her forever? Probably not, but what an honor to be a part of growing her world and ours. I feel so blessed that she gets to start looking at the world through those eyes now and not 20 years down the road. I know it will continue to be a challenge her, but wouldn’t you have liked to have started that lesson at 2 instead of 22?

While I was with the kids that night, God began to stir my heart. My desire and my passion for the hearts of the kids here became very evident to me! I began praying that night and continue to do so, that if that is the direction I am to move with ATC that He would lead the way. By Bart and I being here, ATC is now able to expand a reach out into the community around us. There are unreached people groups right here where we are. One group was visited by the GPBC team. There are others here that their own people call The Forgotten – they don’t even speak Spanish! God’s kingdom needs to be brought here! Please join me in praying that the Lord would reveal his plan to us and that my heart would be directed in the right path! I am excited to see where this all goes.

We are still waiting to get a closing date set for the house in Rosenberg. The appraisal has been done, but we are still awaiting the numbers. Please pray with us that the appraisal will be at or above what we have asked for it. This is the one place left where there can be a glitch, but we know our Father has a plan. I have to remember to give it over to him every day, and sometimes several times a day. My worry will do nothing to help the appraised price of the house!

Nana continues to be a blessing here. She has allowed me to do the things I need to do to get us set up and it is such a relief to have extra hands to help either with Eden or things around the house. Again today, I was just so amazed at the shear amount of time it takes to check email. Literally hours! And it was just checked 2 days ago! I continue to pray that her heart is getting renewed and refreshed and that she will return ready to tackle what God has in store for her. It has been such a blessing to share this special time in our lives with her and she has been such a blessing to us.

Thank you each for the prayers that are said on our behalf. Our Lord listens and will not fail! We treasure the words we receive in email and we will soon have a mailing address for you to send things to. Thank you does not seem enough for all each of you has done to help us get here – your prayers, your financial support and your encouragement. We love you each and look forward to hearing from you as I know you look forward to hearing from us. We pray that God blesses you each as you have blessed us!

We love you brothers and sisters in Christ!