Monday, August 4, 2008

Up and running

Many people have asked that we provide a way for them to keep up with what God is doing in our lives as we prepare to leave the life we know and head into the mission field. Well, here we are. We will work to update as often as possible and look forward to sharing this journey with you.

We are working towards leaving for Central America in January 2009. We have so much to do, but have already seen God's blessing as we begin to prepare. Please be praying with us as we gather support, sell our home, pack our belongings, and all the other things that must be accomplished to begin a new life in a new country.

We are excited about all we will be a part of as we join what the Lord is already doing. We see no better expression of our love for Christ and the gift He has given us through the cross. What an amazing blessing to be included in the work that needs to be accomplished in order for Christ to return!

Thank you now for your prayers and support! We love you!