Saturday, December 6, 2008

Support Letter 2009

Dear Friends and Family,

God has a plan. It is larger and more complex than anyone can imagine. His plan is to make Himself known to all people groups for His sake and for His glory. Over this past year, God has revealed a very direct way in which He has chosen Heather and I to participate in his plan. We would like you to prayerfully consider how you might be a part of it as well.

This past June, we were presented with a special opportunity to assist with a unique piece of God’s Plan. ( Part of the vision of Answering the Call is the establishment of a training center designed to teach and minister to pastors and church leaders working in difficult places throughout the world. It will act not only to provide theological and practical training, but also as a place of refuge for these leaders who put their lives on the line every day. Once pastors are equipped, they will go back to their native countries to share the gospel of Jesus Christ. These pastors are able to go places that are virtually unreachable for traditional missionary models.

When we arrived, the plan was for our group to meet the very first group of pastors to train at the site. Due to various events and difficulties, the pastors were delayed in their arrival and the focus of our trip became primarily one of working on the training center. The hand of God was undeniably in this as the training center was not ready to host pastors. As the end of our twelve day trip approached, it was decided that I would stay behind and continue working while Heather and the rest of the team returned to Houston. During the extra week, God allowed me to see the completion of several projects, begin several I have not yet seen finished and to meet several people that allowed me to see the heart of ATC.

On my final day at the training center, I was asked if Heather and I would pray about joining ATC and moving to Central America. After much prayer and discussion, we have been led by God to accept this call and are planning on a January 2009 beginning to this new chapter in our lives.

My roll will be as facilities manager of the training center and its accompanying 50 acres of primary rainforest. I will be responsible for ensuring the completion of the current projects, the planning and execution of future projects and the maintenance of the facility. Heather will be able to fulfill her roll as a wife and a mother, assist me when needed, and participate in various other ministries as God leads.

As many of you know, the last several years have seen many changes in our lives. I experienced several years suffering from an anxiety disorder; I have changed careers from Engineering to Teaching and have started a construction company; Heather has become a stay-at-home mom and teaches private bassoon lessons and directs the children’s choir program at our church; we have had months where money ran out before the bills; we have been blessed with a daughter – Eden; we lost a second pregnancy; Heather’s dad passed away. Positive or negative, these events and experiences have been used by God to shape and mold us more toward what He wants us to be. We have drawn closer to each other and to Him and feel privileged to have been allowed to see glimpses of God’s master plan at work.

The plan is so big, so inconceivable that a glimpse is all you can withstand at one time. At times things have been very hard for us, but we have chosen to trust God and follow where he leads. He is now asking us to leave the life that we have known and head into the jungle to do His work. His plans really are greater than we can imagine.

Because financial support is an important and necessary part of this journey we have approached this with much prayer. That time of preparation has led us to ask you to prayerfully consider supporting us in our work with Answering The Call for the 2009 calendar year. If you believe the Lord is directing you to begin supporting us, please submit a commitment card online by visiting

In Christ,
Bart, Heather and Eden Carty



Our Spiritual Needs:

  • Pray that the Lord will allow us to quickly gain a functional knowledge of the Spanish language.
  • Pray that the Lord will provide fellowship for us as we begin a new life.
  • Pray that the Lord will provide peace and understanding to the friends and family that we leave behind in the United States.
  • Pray that the Lord will give us wisdom with Eden as we make this transition and that her little two year old mind will understand what we are doing.
  • Pray that someone will come forward to take over our remaining roles at church, specifically the 3 year old Sunday School class we teach.

Our Financial Needs:

  • $24,000-$30,000 yearly income – We need to raise a minimum of $2,000/month in order to live and carry out our daily jobs with the project. Please pray how the Lord may desire you to support us with a 12 month commitment beginning in January. There are no administration fees, which means that we will receive 100% of any monetary donations you make.
  • Approximately $10,000 to cover the expense of shutting down life in the United States, moving to Central America, and going to school to learn Spanish. Pray for the Lord’s direction in how you might assist us.
  • 2 laptop computers - We will each need one to fulfill our duties and stay in contact with everyone in the states.
  • The sale of our house - We must sell our house in order to free ourselves to leave and to pay off some debts that must be retired.

    Answering The Call is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt, non-profit religious organization. Your contribution is tax-deductible, and a receipt will be sent to you promptly.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Possessing the Land

I am sorry I am not keeping up with this very well. Forward progress is being made, just very slowly. Bart and I both feel that when things start to come together, it will happen very quickly and we will be in Central America before we realize it.
It is amazing what a work of faith this is. There is so much uncertainty and so many things we will not even know about until we are actually there. I have been reading Abba's Child by Brennan Manning. He was speaking about faith and how it is never without some doubt. That was such a reassurance for me. I always feel like I need all the answers before I take that next step. As we get ready to move into this new life, I know I will not have all the answers but I also wonder if I have the faith to move forward without them. I also know we are going to do this. So that is were the real "leap" of faith comes in.
Last week God gave me two different verses in Deuteronomy about "possessing the land." The first was from my MOPS mentor, and is Deut. 15:4b-5:
...for in the land the LORD your God is giving you to possess as your inheritance, he will richly bless you, if only you fully obey the LORD your God and are careful to follow all these commands I am giving you today.
The other was during my ladies bible study at church and it is Deut. 30: 16:
For I command you today to love the LORD your God, to walk in his ways, and to keep his commands, decrees and laws; then you will live and increase, and the LORD your God will bless you in the land you are entering to possess.
It was so refreshing to me to be reminded that as I follow God's directions and commands for my life, He plans to bless me and my family in this "new land." All God is asking is that I follow the road He is revealing before me. Whether I have all the answers or not, I am to obey. But if I obey - He will bless me and my family. Why would I not want to obey? Aren't the blessings from Him that I have in my life so much better than anything I could have given myself? Absolutely. All I have to do is think about Bart or our precious Eden! How much better has being a wife and a mother been than anything I could have done with my life! I can't even imagine what is to come!
As far as what we are up to... We continue to work on cleaning and packing. We will be putting our house on the market this weekend. Please pray for a quick sale, as that will be the one thing that keeps us from heading out in January. We will be having our next garage sale in about 3 weeks to liquidate more of our stuff.
We are researching language schools so we can learn enough Spanish to function. We are also working on arrangements for a container to ship a vehicle and some of our stuff down. Believe it or not, it is cheaper to get a car here, ship it down and pay the taxes than it is to buy one there! We will also be in an urban area in a furnished apartment initially so we will be able to function until our vehicle and stuff gets there.
We are also beginning to raise our support. We have 2 churches that are coming along side of us for part of our funding, but we are counting on God to provide the rest through individual contributions. If God lays on your heart to help support us, please email us at for specific information. We know that God will supply what we need.
Thank you so much for your continued prayers and support. We love that we get to share this journey with you and look forward to what God has in store.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Up and running

Many people have asked that we provide a way for them to keep up with what God is doing in our lives as we prepare to leave the life we know and head into the mission field. Well, here we are. We will work to update as often as possible and look forward to sharing this journey with you.

We are working towards leaving for Central America in January 2009. We have so much to do, but have already seen God's blessing as we begin to prepare. Please be praying with us as we gather support, sell our home, pack our belongings, and all the other things that must be accomplished to begin a new life in a new country.

We are excited about all we will be a part of as we join what the Lord is already doing. We see no better expression of our love for Christ and the gift He has given us through the cross. What an amazing blessing to be included in the work that needs to be accomplished in order for Christ to return!

Thank you now for your prayers and support! We love you!